Paintball Sportsland Waiver Section
All participants playing Paintball at Paintball-Sportsland must sign a Release of Liability form. If you are between the ages of 10 and 17 years old, this form must be signed by a Parent/Guardian prior to playing. Anyone under the age of ten (10) is not permitted to play any games at Paintball Sportsland, but they may use the target range area for practice for free.
You can download a pdf version of the waiver to print out below. You will need the adobe acrobat reader to view the waiver. If you do not have the adobe reader you can download it from adobe here.

When filling out the Waiver form Please print clearly. You must sign a waiver form before you will be allowed to participate in any games at Paintball Sportsland.
Click here to download the ADOBE liability form (before printing make sure you can see the whole waiver) A new window will open for easier printing. When finished close the new browser window and you will be back at this page.
The minimum age limit to play at Paintball Sportsland is ten (10) years old and a waiver must be signed by the parent or legal guardian. It is also suggested that the parent be present, if a parent is not present Paintball Sportsland will not be held liable for any forged signatures.